The Gathering Grove
The Sisterhood of Les Fays d’Avalon began in February of 2003 as an online community bringing together women from across the country in a virtual sacred space. On Mabon of 2003, the first in person ritual of The Sisterhood took place. Eventually, the online community dispersed, but the local physical community grew stronger.
On Mabon 2008, the group which had grown greatly in size, and was no longer a woman’s only group. It adopted the name of The Gathering Grove.
The Gathering Grove is a family friendly eclectic Pagan/Earth based spiritual group. Services offered include Sabbat Rituals, Full Moon Rituals and Dances, New Moon Rituals, Drum Circles, and Weddings. The Gathering Grove offers two outdoor ritual locations with ceremonial fire pits, The Spiral Labyrinth, a library, indoor ritual space, indoor meditation/yoga/sauna room, Maypole Commons with stage and area suitable for public performances. The Gathering Grove is a registered (501) (c) (3). Donations are tax deductible.
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“The emphasis for the real family friendly aspect... Can you really say you’re a family friendly group if you don’t have little ones running around, a nine year old calling a corner, and teenagers/young adults hanging out in the family room while ritual is going on in the woods? That is what I really love about this group! Kids and families are not just welcome, but accepted at their comfort level of participation.”
“Joining the Gathering Grove was one of the best gifts I could have given myself and my spiritual practice. The warm welcoming atmosphere, the acceptance, and the diversity of its members is everything I could want and more!”
“The Grove is my spiritual arrowhead helping to guide me and keep my course true.”
“[The Gathering Grove ] has been my spiritual comfort and teacher.”
“When I joined the Gathering Grove I was welcomed with open arms. Everyone in the group is genuine and very supportive of one another. Every celebration is over the top amazing! I couldn’t imagine being with any other group of woke people!”